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隣の芝生は青い (The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence)とよく言われますが、今日はそんな典型的な例を海外の記事で見つけたのでご紹介しますね







In a complete reversal of typical plastic surgeries involving Koreans, this time, a Brazilian man of European descent went under the knife and got plastic surgery to look like a Korean guy. Everybody wants to look like anybody but themselves!



According to The Korea Herald, the 25-year-old Brazilian underwent 10 surgical operations to transform his look into that of an Asian person. He also dyed his hair (it used to be blond), wears color contacts (they used to be blue) and goes by the name Xiahn (he didn’t release his original name). Whatever works, I guess.

Korea Herald誌によると、25歳のブラジル人男性は整形手術を10回行ってアジア人に見えるよう変身したという。さらに(元はブロンドだったが)髪を染 め、(元は青い目だったが)カラーコンタクトをつけ、(本名は明かさないものの)Xiahnという名で通しているという。何でもそれで通れば良いのかもし れない。


Xiahn apparently spent time in Korea as an exchange student and caught the plastic surgery craze during his time there. 



